I decided to make a display for some of my jewelry pieces out of a Styrofoam tree.
There's just something about tree's, I love them in all shapes and sizes.
This is a fun and easy project all you need is a tree, Modge Podge, an old book, 2" circle punch
and some ink. I love
Cat eye ink, its handy for aging paper.
Simply cut out your circles with the circle punch, cut them in half with scissors, ink them around the rounded edge and paste them on with Modge Podge.
I start at the very bottom and put the first row of halved circles upside down- this way we cover all the Styrofoam.After the first row is placed now apply the rest of the rows with the rounded edge pointing towards the floor- As you go along it's helpful to apply a thin layer of Modge Podge over the paper you have attached as well. When I came to the very top I cut a piece free hand to cover the tip- and also a large circle out of any paper you like for the base.
What's so great is you can decorate the tree with any type of push pin or Vintage pins, I also stuck needles through buttons;)