Wow where do I start? Lets start with the women that made it all happen, without there vision and hard work I wouldn't be filled with creative energy and a feeling of peace and centeredness
(is that a word?)
Far left
Julie Collings co- creator of artnest and truly inspirational spirit led lady-
Gloria and I kept saying, could you image having her as your mom( wow)
LOVE her work, and she has an amazing book
"Little Felts" which I rushed home and ordered!
So happy and positive, filled with hopeful energy and incredibly talented.
In her class I literally painted 4 completed pieces,
I dont even know how::: it just happened;)
Jane Wynn - everything that is altered + grungy + vintage is rolled into this engaging
and fun lady, her book
"altered curiosities" is such a great introduction to soldering on a whole new level, she taught me how to use a torch- I love her!!
Had the blessing of meeting her the first night and she was everything I had hoped and more.
her book
"Taking Flight" has been a powerful tool for healing and self reflection in my
She inspired me about 3 months ago to start sketching and drawing and now it seems like it will always be a part of me, I have found my authentic expression and I owe that all to Kelly.
PLUS she is adorable and fun and just a great leader with the ability to spark unity.
Candice Elton co -creator of artnest -welcomed us with such a warm and engaging smile, she possesse's so many talents but the things That IMMEDIATELY come to mind are her mad cooking skills, I was constantly oohing and ahhing at every meal, It was such a blessing to be in her presence, you felt surrounded by her spirituality and strength:::
Okay so obviously this was life changing as I have never written this much- I will have to post every day because there is so much to share;)