Deepak Chopra "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"
Today being Monday we are practicing
"When you give you reveal a spiritual truth that the flow of life never runs dry"
How beautiful and complete is this message? isn't it one of our biggest fears, that there might be a day when it stops, when all that we are attached to might dissipate?
The Truth is we can practice being open to all gifts of the universe, and find creative ways to give
be generous with our affection, attention, appreciation and acceptance.
~Deepak Chopra

In honor of such an amazing truth I am giving away this vintage coin purse necklace
send me your thoughts as a post, and at the end of the week I will raffle all "postee"(s)
You can click on the above link the law of giving and receiving to experience more of Deepak's deep soul felt inspiration

(loving caring accepting one another)
be something we treasure the most?