Now so much has transitioned and changed- God literally immersed me in growth.
Picked the book up again couple weeks ago when I realized I needed to read it before the movie comes out, so I am committed to reading ten pages in the a.m. and ten at night- at this rate I should be close to done by this Friday.
Anyway love the part about soul mates-how they are in our lives for growth and even mirroring our life path back at us. That's refreshing and healing as I have had soul mate relationships transition into nothingness only to feel a loss, but this take is much more to my liking, that these souls have touched me in a way that has promoted a better understanding of myself and my ability to accept and love all around me(myself included)
Made this little pretty for my soul sister Gloria::: she and I are on a journey of self discovery and empowerment- while carefully holding on to the sweet side of every day. Balance - Gratitude- and all that is real::::